How To Make Your Own Mud Kitchen

We cannot count how many times we’ve talked about the benefits of mud kitchens. Not only are they super fun but also great for your child’s development.

They help them to connect with nature, support their cognitive growth and allow their imagination to flourish. Plus, they encourage children to spend more time playing outdoors which is the best thing about childhood!

Have you ever wondered how to make your very own mud kitchen? It’s easier and cheaper than you think. We’ve rounded up a couple of simple steps on how to build one for your little explorers and help them get the most of it.

  • Build your mud kitchen

You can build your mud kitchen from pretty much anything. We recommend wooden pallets, but you can also use a table, bricks, cardboard or even plywood and a couple of empty buckets to support them. Encourage children to get involved in the building process - we’re sure they’ll love it! It’s also a perfect opportunity for them to learn and develop creative skills. Try to make your mud kitchen as big as you possibly can. If you have enough space, maximise the work surface and try to create a mud kitchen that can be accessed from both sides so that children can face each other and cooperate.

  • Add some cookware

To build a perfect mud kitchen, you will obviously need cookware. If you have no spare or old cookware around the house, a trip to the nearest charity shop is a good idea. Collect a couple of old pans, containers, casseroles, saucepans, whisks, jars, bottles and whatever else you can think of and make your mud kitchen look as authentic as possible. You can even get some small hooks and hang pots and kitchen utensils to make your mud kitchen look even more enticing and fun. Silicone muffin trays are also a great idea, plus they are easy to clean and perfect for preparing delicious mud pies!

  • …and a couple of ingredients

You will need mud, mud and…more mud! But of course, a mud kitchen is not a real mud kitchen without some fun ingredients to decorate those delicious muddy creations. We like adding flowers, grass, little stones, sticks or feathers to the mixture.

  • Decorate your mud kitchen

We’ve built lots of mud kitchens here at Muddy HQ and we love the process of decorating them and making them look nice. We like using colourful watering cans, little buckets, log seats and paper bunting to add the finishing touches to our mud kitchen.

  • Have fun!

Let your muddy pups make the most of their mud kitchen. Playing with mud has lots of benefits (or even millions, according to the Muddy Team!) and there’s something magical about getting all muddy and messy without fear of getting clothes dirty. Easy to wash, waterproof and fuss-free outerwear is always a great idea. You can pop it in the washing machine as soon as playtime is over.

Let us know if you have other mud kitchen making tips that we’ve never heard of.

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